
ALCONIX's Perspectives on Sustainability

The ALCONIX Group conducts business on a global scale under its corporate philosophy of creating new value and contributing to the development of society through the trading of non-ferrous metals.
Our surrounding environment is becoming increasingly challenging and multifaceted due to social issues such as climate change, resource depletion, armed conflict, and human rights abuses.
As we aim to address these issues, we believe that we can achieve growth in our corporate value by establishing a business model that balances contribution to "Earth, its societies, and its people" with efforts targeting the creation of economic value.
We are additionally confident that our corporate activities receive support from all of our stakeholders.
Out of appreciation for this support, we recognize that we must ensure mutual prosperity between our corporate group and our stakeholders by leveraging our accumulated knowledge and expertise regarding non-ferrous metals to provide valuable products and services that only we are capable of delivering.
Guided by this awareness, the ALCONIX Group will aim to generate both social and economic value while simultaneously striving to facilitate sustainable development for itself, the global environment, and society at large.

Takumi Suzuki,
Director, Managing Executive Officer and CSO,
Sustainability Committee Chairperson

鈴木 匠 (Takumi Suzuki)

Our Thoughts on the “Future of Our Dreams”

The Social Value of ALCONIX


Female employee ratio



Greenhouse gas emissions

(group companies in Japan)


Outside director ratio

(100% of outside directors are independent)


Consolidated education and research expenses per employee

(up 55.6% year on year)


Total energy consumption of Group companies in Japan

(Electricity consumption [MWh] + crude oil equivalent of fuel consumption [kl])


Female corporate officer ratio

(“corporate officer” refers to directors and Audit and Supervisory Board members)

As of March 31,2023

Integrated Report

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