
As a corporate group with a global business presence, we consider it our mission to contribute to the development of both the international community and the economy. Moving forward, we will establish and strengthen trust-based relationships with all stakeholders while striving to ensure mutual prosperity. At the same time, we will strive to build strong bonds with our employees through initiatives such as internal groupwide human rights awareness activities.

See ALCONIX Group Code of Conduct

Respect for Human Rights and Harassment Prevention

Human Rights

The ALCONIX Group, as a corporate entity that operates a global business, has established a corporate philosophy of creating new value and contributing to the development of society through the transactions of non-ferrous metal products. We also declare our respect for human rights in our Code of Conduct and conduct our business activities accordingly.
The ALCONIX Group disclosed the Human Rights Policy in June 2024 to clarify our thinking on human rights and direction for initiatives to ensure respect for human rights. This policy has been formulated under the deliberation and approval of the Management Committee, and reported to the Board of Directors.
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the ALCONIX Group (including part-time and temporary workers and employees seconded to or by the ALCONIX Group). In addition, we expect companies in our supply chain and other business partners to support this policy, comply with it, and conduct their business activities with respect for human rights. We aim to work together with these companies to promote efforts to respect human rights.

See ALCONIX Group Human Rights Policy

Harassment Prevention

Our chairman and CEO has declared that the ALCONIX Group will adopt various measures and take action to prevent harassment and ensure respect for the human rights of all employees, thereby maintaining and safeguarding healthy working environments for all personnel. The ALCONIX Group will never tolerate any kind of harassment, whether internal or external, and views harassment as a socially unacceptable act that unjustly infringes upon basic human rights.
Through the ALCONIX Group Code of Conduct, which defines fundamental principles that unify our entire corporate group, we have established policies concerning respect for human rights and the establishment of favorable working environments. In addition, through our harassment prevention message, we have clearly outlined organizational policies targeting the prevention of harmful behavior including sexual harassment, power harassment, and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, or nursing care leave.

See Declaration of Harassment Prevention

Compliance handbooks are
available in multiple languages.

To disseminate knowledge regarding human rights throughout the company and prevent harassment while simultaneously raising employee awareness concerning both of these issues, we have distributed the ALCONIX Group Compliance Handbook to all personnel and periodically conduct relevant e-learning and group training programs. In fiscal 2022, we collaborated with third-party organizations to establish a global internal reporting system that allows employees to anonymously report and receive consultations regarding harassment or human rights-related issues. When incidents of harassment come to light, we ensure the privacy of individuals reporting or seeking consultation, as well as all other concerned parties, and with their consent, we confirm and investigate the facts, explain the results of the investigation to the individual or individuals concerned, and take necessary measures, up to and including disciplinary action. By reviewing its workplace environments and thoroughly implementing preventive measures, the entire ALCONIX Group will collectively strive to establish and maintain harassment-free workplaces.

* Supports 8 languages other than Japanese, including Chinese, English, and Vietnamese (as of September 2023)

Quality Policy

Basic Policy

ALCONIX will make effective use of the quality management system as an integral part of corporate activities in order to meet the demands of customers. In addition, this quality management system will be constantly improved so that ALCONIX can become a company able to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction.

Quality Management System

ALCONIX has obtained JIS Q 9100:2016 certification and establishes, maintains and implements quality management systems in accordance with corresponding requirements (certification applies to the Automotive and Aircraft Materials Team of Project Development Department under our Head Office's Aluminum, Copper, and Titanium Division).

JIS Q 9100 is a global standard for quality management systems that is based on ISO 9001 but also includes quality management items required solely by the aerospace industry.
By obtaining this certification, ALCONIX gains access to the IAQG-OASIS database system. This will allow aircraft manufacturers and associated companies worldwide to view information about the Aluminium & Copper Products Div. ASD Materials Business. As a trading company with manufacturing subsidiaries in its group, ALCONIX is determined to continue meeting the high expectations of customers by providing a reliable supply of quality products.

Outsourcing and sales of aluminum and magnesium cast and forged, rolled, extrusion and machined products for civil and defense aircraft, flying objects such as satellites, etc., and their accessory equipment

See the PDF

Contribution to local communities

ALCONIX Group maintains business locations both in Japan and overseas and remains committed to strengthening relationships with all stakeholders in accordance with its corporate philosophy, which stresses the need to maintain and develop "positive relationships with local communities." Moving forward, we will continue to facilitate the development of local communities by proactively conducting sound business operations and performing activities that contribute to regional communities. Through these and other initiatives, we will strive to maintain our position as a corporate group that is trusted by all local communities surrounding its business locations.

See Companies and Their Local Contributions