- Investor Relations
- Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
Basic policy on information disclosure
As a public company, ALCONIX will appropriately manage important company group information, disclose information fairly, equally, accurately and swiftly, and strive to maintain and improve the trust of investors and all other stakeholders.
Information disclosure criteria
ALCONIX conducts disclosures according to the timely disclosure rules ("Timely Disclosure Rules") of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
ALCONIX will disclose in a timely manner any decisions, occurrences, financial results-related information that may affect investment decisions, and any material change or stop, etc. to previously disclosed material company information. ALCONIX's policy is to also fairly disclose company information that does not require timely disclosure to investors and other capital market participants.
Method of information disclosure
Material information to be disclosed under Timely Disclosure Rules set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange will be published on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's TD-net in accordance with Timely Disclosure Rules.
For the disclosure of information to which Timely Disclosure Rules do not apply, ALCONIX will take care to communicate this information as accurately and fairly as possible by an appropriate method based on its original purpose.
Silent period
To prevent leakage of important company information that may affect its stock price, ALCONIX sets a silent period from the day after financial result periods (including quarterly financial results) to the announcement of financial results, and will not answer questions or comment on financial results during this period. This, however, does not apply to inquiries relating to information disclosed by ALCONIX during the silent period (such as revisions to earnings forecasts, etc.). If it becomes likely that its financial earnings will differ significantly from its forecasts during the silent period, ALCONIX will disclose this information in a timely manner in accordance with disclosure rules.
Treatment of earnings forecasts
Materials disclosed by ALCONIX that include current plans, forecasts and strategies, etc. are based on decisions of the management of the company from information available at that time. Accordingly, as actual earnings may differ significantly from earnings forecasts due to various factors, please refrain from relying solely on these statements.
Disclosed materials simply serve to deepen understanding of ALCONIX, and are not necessarily for the purpose of encouraging investment in the company.