
ALCONIX is expanding its global business as an “integrated company that combines trading and manufacturing capabilities” with consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates in Japan and overseas. In order to grow sustainably in a business environment that evolves with each passing year, ALCONIX also considers it important to establish a compliance system that ensures high ethical standards among all officers.
From this perspective, ALCONIX promotes ongoing compliance education for all Group officers and employees based on the management principle of complying with all laws, regulations and corporate ethics, operating in a highly fair and transparent manner, and striving to be an honest and reliable corporate group. Through these efforts, all Group officers and employees are committed to fulfilling their social responsibilities by complying with laws and regulations while acting with integrity in accordance with corporate ethics and social norms.

ALCONIX Group Code of Conduct

Declaration of Harassment Prevention

The ALCONIX Group Anti-Bribery Policy

Compliance Promotion System and Global Internal Reporting System

ALCONIX has established a Compliance Committee chaired by the executive officer in charge of internal control. Based on the basic policy and implementation plan formulated by the committee, the Company has released the ALCONIX Group Code of Conduct and the Declaration of Harassment Prevention as well as distributed a Compliance Handbook. In addition to these efforts, which aim to minimize risk of violations, personnel in charge of managing departments at the Head Office and Group companies have worked together to develop systems and conduct training to promote compliance.
The Group has also introduced a global internal reporting system (the Internal Compliance Hotline) for use by all executives and employees working in Japan and overseas, with the goal of prevention and early detection of legal violations and misconduct. In addition to the Internal Compliance Hotline, we have set up an External Compliance Hotline. We ensure anonymity and neutrality when receiving reports and work diligently to protect whistleblowers, prohibiting any detrimental activity toward them. Cases of particular importance are reported to the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board by the Compliance Committee. In fiscal 2022, there were 11 cases reported via the internal reporting system.

Efforts to Live Up to the Words of the ALCONIX Group’s Code of Conduct

Groupwide meeting with
General Affairs & Human Resources Department and
Information Security Department

Groupwide Meetings with General Affairs & Human Resources Department and Information Security Department

In fiscal 2021, we began holding a Groupwide meeting with the General Affairs & Human Resources Department and Information Security Department to better share ALCONIX’s basic policies and values among Group companies, which increase with each passing year. This is a priority initiative that serves as a stepping stone toward more effective risk management within the Group. This two-way dialogue will help each company see risks as something directly applicable to them instead of something to be dealt with externally. We hope that this will allow companies to share issues they may be facing, and lead to specific initiatives that will resolve them.

Key Agenda Items

  • Sharing of compliance-related policies
  • Compliance training and internal development
  • Sharing of effective examples of health management promotion at Group companies
  • Info session on how to utilize the results of the Compliance Awareness Survey
  • Sharing of examples of Group initiatives to promote sustainability management, etc.

Efforts Aimed at Strengthening Compliance

Compliance handbooks are
available in multiple languages.

ALCONIX established the Compliance Committee as subordinate to the Internal Control Committee, which is chaired by the president, to enhance officer and employee compliance with laws, regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal regulations while raising compliance awareness. Further, the ALCONIX Officers’ Compliance Manual, which includes a compliance consultation and reporting system, is distributed to all officers and employees with the aim of establishing a legal compliance structure and thoroughly inculcating compliance awareness among all officers and employees through education and training. As Group companies have their own regulations, we also distribute the ALCONIX Group Compliance Handbook to foster and promote a shared awareness of compliance throughout the organization.

* Supports 8 languages other than Japanese, including Chinese, English, and Vietnamese (as of September 2023)